Changing of the Guard
On Wednesday, June 26, 2013 Lancaster South Rotary held its induction of officers and presented the Rotarian of the Year Award to Gabrielle Amodeo, who guided the club to a permanent home at Boehms Church. The 2012 -2013 Rotary year was a challenge for Gabrielle with Willow Valley announcing on short notice that they were demolishing the building in which we met, scrambling to find a new facility, and all the while holding together the various community programs like the Magic Show and Funnel Cake stand that provide the funds for our charitable activities. Thank you and congratulations on a job well done!
We also inducted our new Club President, Kathy Spence, who did a superb job as speaker chair this year. The Board wishes to thank all who contributed their time, energy and resources to help make our Club successful.
Outgoing President and Rotarian of the Year, Gabrielle Amodeo with Dick Kramer