

Dr. Mike Leichliter, Superintendent of Penn Manor Schools was inducted into Lancaster South Rotary on December 19, 2012. The induction was conducted by President Emeritus Richard Kramer and Past President Ellen Pollock.



Induction Preamble

"Rotary is not a political organisation, but all Rotarians are vitally concerned with everything pertaining to good citizenship and the election of good men and women to public office.

"Rotary is not a charitable organisation, yet its activities exemplify the charity and the sacrifices that one should expect from people who believe that they have a responsibility to help others.

"Rotary is not a religious organisation, but it is built on those eternal principles that have served as the moral compass for people throughout the ages.

"Rotary is an organisation of business and professional people pledged to up holding the highest professional standards. Rotarians believe that worldwide fellowship and international peace can be achieved when business people unite under the banner of service."

(President requests those present to stand for the delivery of the charge that follows)

Induction charge for New Member
Name _______________________________

You have been chosen for membership of the Rotary Club of __________ because our members believe you to be a leader in your particular vocation, and that you manifest those qualities of heart and mind which fit you to interpret and impart the message of Rotary to the community at large.

You will represent your vocation as ___________, and any contribution of an educational value pertaining to your business must, naturally, come to us through you. On the other hand, you become an ambassador from us to your classification and it becomes your duty to carry the ideals and principles of service, which we seek to inspire, to the persons whom you have the honour thus to represent.

Membership in Rotary places upon you many obligations, and we believe that you will welcome such responsibilities as opportunities for service. As the cultivation of Fellowship is one of the first aims and rewards of your Rotary membership, your regular attendance at our weekly meetings is of prime importance.

You will find Rotary a congenial and helpful influence, to which you are expected to contribute in Service and Fellowship.

The community will know and judge Rotary by your actions and ideals as associated with your business and we commend as your guiding light "The Rotary Four Way Test" and the motto, "Service Above Self".

I now present you with the lapel pin by which you're fellow Rotarians and the public at large will recognize you as a Rotarian and Dinner Badge, which you will wear, at all regular weekly meetings of the club.
"It is also my pleasure to present you with this folder of information pertaining to Rotary, which I hope you will read and think about.

We trust that you enjoy this new adventure in service and we most heartily offer you the right hand of Rotary Fellowship.

(Ask new member's partners to come forward.)

To_______________, we particularly welcome you as the partner of ___________________ and I am sure that you will thoroughly enjoy Rotary.

Fellow Rotarians, I now present to you Rotarian (name) who fills the classification of ………………….. and his (or her) partner (name). Rotarian (name) will be a member of the ……………………. Committee whose chairperson is (name). Please join with me in welcoming them.